Leader, Manager & Operator all at the same time…

“Wow!……… I’m speechless Murph, give me a second.” Scott said, as he looked to the sky, then looked down at the table and gradually put his hands on his head pulling his hair back.

You have to know Scott to appreciate this moment of silence. Scott is the type of guy who can walk in a room and light it up. Kind of like Norm when he walks into CHEERS. “Norm!!” everyone shouts as he walks in the door. Scott, is a man who wears his heart on his sleeve, will give the shirt of his back and loves nothing more than a good conversation. Coming from a military family Scott knows what it means to work hard, do the right thing and treat others with respect. His military father instilled these military principles in him. You can just feel it.

Quickly, Scott lifted his head to say, “Bro, I knew you wanted to talk today. But, I didn’t know you were going to completely blow my mind.” Scott said, with a passion in his voice that moved me. He then said, “Murph, you need to understand something about me. I was raised by a military father in a military home. He loved me. But, he was hard on me because as a drill sergeant in the military that’s all he knew. Sure, I hated that as a kid. I fought his orders… to my dismay. As I grew older, I became to respect the lessons my father taught me. I respected the discipline, hard work and no exceptions allowed training he gave me. For today, I am better because of it. My point, I don’t lead my life to be rich. I have a good job, I am successful at what I do. Just the other day my upper-level manager contacted me to congratulate me on my work. He said, “Scott, I have to say you have done something I can’t quite understand. We got your customer service ratings back from our client’s. You scored 8–9 out of 10 for service and knowledge of product. Our company scored 5–6 for product functionality and deliverability. So basically, we are making your job 10 times harder to keep the customer happy and I’ll be damned. They love you!”

You see Murph, Why did I get that score. Trust me, it’s not because I thought I would get a raise. We both know businesses these days pinch every penny they can. I did it because it’s the right thing to do. I did it because I care. I did it because I don’t know how to do anything different. You see! So when you bring something like this to me. Something that will give me an opportunity to feel like I am a part of something bigger than myself. Well brother, A guy like me can’t say no to an opportunity like this. A guy like me searches his whole life to do something like this with a guy like you. Bro, I am honored you believe in me to help make this a reality. I’m IN. No doubt. No question.”

As I heard those words from Scott, “A guy like me searches his whole life to do something like this with a guy like you.” I couldn’t hold it back. I said, “Scott, it’s not about me bother. It’s about our kids, our families… for me it’s about my daughter Shay.” As I said her name the emotion in me could not be contained. The breath was taken from me. I couldn’t talk. I felt something deep inside me just want to come out. With tears rolling down my face, struggling to find words I said, “It’s about Shanley. It’s about helping people and making a difference in this world.” Putting my head down, trying to gather my thoughts and thinking to myself. Wow! I have been holding that in for a long time. I have never done that in front of anyone outside my family before.

“Dude! You are killing me here Murph!!” I am a passionate guy, I cry at movies you know. I am not going to look at you right now because I will be crying and two men crying at the same table might look a little weird.” Scott said and we both started laughing our ass off.

“Sorry man!” This is not me. I don’t know what just came over me. I guess I feel so damn passionate about this plan you are going to help implement. I believe you are the perfect fit.

I can tell you there is no better feeling than having someone like Scott join your team.

Do you think it’s possible to be all 3 at once?

Leader. Manager. Operator.

Next ArticleEveryone gets knocked down in life… The real test — getting up