Don’t Let Kryptonite Stop You — 

“Murph, you misspelled a word in your email yesterday.” My friend Ryan said to me. As I looked through my email I saw the subject line was “Your Are Kidding Me.” I also saw the intro headline was “Mankind Dreams Come True.”

Damn!! I said to myself, as I am one who strives for perfection. But, in the next breath I moved on to my next purpose driven mission of developing a magazine for, scheduling my next interview with Lou Nanne on our podcast, reaching out to my client who is excited about the home they are buying and working on designing our first million dollar home will be building.

Later that day I received this message from a friend and past client:

That’s a pretty cool story Tim. Keep changing lives!

I recommended you to a girlfriend who’s divorcing — though not sure if she’ll sell or not. Definitely won’t use her previous agent she said…horrible. Told her about my experience with you and she was impressed. Will keep you posted.

Tracy Handt

There is no better feeling than receiving a messages like this from Tracy. Sure, I was disappointed in my spelling mistake. Spelling has been a challenge I have struggled with my entire life. I will never forget… In middle school one of my teachers told my Mom, “Spelling is not one of Tim’s strengths. He will need to carry a dictionary around with him when he gets older.” I’ll be damned she was right. Till this day I carry a dictionary with me on my phone and use it multiple times a day. That dictionary is called

Later that day I received another response from Jim Colvin’s (The one in my story) Mom Mary Jo:

It’s a great story and let the family begin to grow. Love You.

Mary Jo Colvin

As I read this from Jim’s Mom I embraced the moment… reminding myself of my purpose.

I’m driven by a passion & conviction to help others create a “Self-Image” worthy of fighting for; allowing one to achieve their goals and reach their untapped potential. Driven to inspire. To inspire through giving, caring, honesty, loyalty and as a Guardian of good.

Nowhere in my purpose does it say I need to be a good speller. Nowhere in my purpose does it say I won’t fall on my face and have to dust myself off and get back up. Nowhere in my purpose does it say I’m perfect. Because the second you hold yourself to the expectation that perfection is possible… is the second you will achieve nothing. Expecting to be perfect will turn into fear. Once you are scared to be judged, like my friend Ryan judged me, is the second you will feel anxiety every time you push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

For Ryan, I say “Thank You” thank you for challenging me to be a better person. Thank you for identifying my weakness and challenging me to use it. Like kryptonite is to Superman, spelling is to Tim Murphy. Without a weakness Superman may not be the man he is today. He may not be the superhero who chooses to do good instead of using his superpowers for his own self-interests. like Superman I choose to #ChangeTheWorld. Not with one flick of my wrist. Not with some magic power. But, with the one superpower I have been given. The power to believe in myself more than anyone around me ever will. The power to know I have been given a gift, like you. The gift to believe anything is possible.

That’s why I believe, I have a vision — a passion and a solid plan I can deliver with my heart and everything I have. I know when I tell my story to the world, like I have to a select few, it will make an IMPACT. It will provide hope and change people’s lives.

With this conviction I embrace my imperfections. I learn from my mistakes. I realize each mistake is one step closer to my ultimate goal. It’s the journey that matters. The pot holes and road blocks are what make it worthwhile. Most of all… it’s the people like Tracy & Mary Jo who embrace Tim Murphy for the man he is and the man he wants to become.

Don’t ever let someone tell you, “You Can’t!” Always believe with enough hard work and conviction, “You Can”

Don’t ever let someone take away your beliefs and convictions. For these are the greatest superpowers you have.

And most of all, like Superman, don’t let a little piece of Kryptonite, like my inability to spell, stop you from changing someone’s life for the better.

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