My Legendary Character Principles I have found over the course of my life, my choices are based on key principles which influence each and every decision I make. As I have grown older my passion and conviction towards following these principles has grown stronger. Be it life experience. Be it Karma. I believe for each person it’s different. However, for the most successful people in the game of life. I know legendary principles are like beacons of light which guide them through the fog of life. Especially when it’s hard to see exactly where you are going. Murph’s Character Principles: Family First = without a strong family you have nothing. Marriage and children are two of life’s biggest tests & gifts. Neither are easy. Both are extremely rewarding. Deciding not to make this priority #1 leaves you all alone. YourLEGEND = One’s purpose in life Seek to fulfill your purpose and Legend will live on through Legacy. You will have served your purpose when fulfillment overcomes you. Believe = Surround yourself with only those who believe. Gather the best people for each task. Pay them a fair wage. It will be scary. It will test your faith. But, they will help you realize your dream and accomplish your mission. Execute = Win Actions speak louder than words Execute – Just Do It Hard Work – Hustle – Grind Hard Work = give it everything you have and let go. One thing in life we all control is how hard we
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The rest is just your mind playing tricks on you. I’ll never forget my first computer programming class in college at Eau Claire University. COBOL (“common business-oriented language”) Here is what it looked like: 10101010101010101010101010101 Say I wanted to spell “Hi”. Here is what it looked like: H = 01101000 I = 01101001 Now just think about that. I wrote one word with two letters. That one word and two letters consisted of 16 digits. What makes this process so painful…. If you get even one of those “01101001” digits incorrect. The code will not work. Your system won’t do anything. It’s DEAD. Now imaging building Facebook!!! Can you feel my pain. Perfection was the game. There was no room for mistakes. Make a mistake and you failed. Plain and simple. My whole 4 year college life was about spending countless hours in a computer lab crunching code. Pulling out my hair trying to figure out where the code was broken… So I could fix it and have a fully functioning system. That made someone else’s life simpler. Kind of like your favorite app on the iPhone. What if, we lived our lives that way. Knowing we couldn’t move to the next phase until we had everything right in the phase before it. Needless to say, I would have dropped out of becoming an MIS (Management Information Systems) Major if I had to do another second of COBOL. It was against my nature. BUT!!! The COBOL code taught me a
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Is a life worth living. How many times have you caught yourself wishing you were doing something different. Not because you are sick of doing the same thing day in and day out. But because you don’t feel like your leading your life’s purpose. For all of us “Life On Our Terms” can mean something different. For some it is about leading a non-profit that makes positive change in the world for those who need it most. For others, it is inventing a new technology that saves people’s lives. For me, it’s about helping people create a “Self-Image” worth fighting for. So they can stop surviving and start thriving. No matter what your purpose is on earth. The most important thing is embracing it and moving in that direction. When I think about someone who has embraced “Life On Your Terms.” I think about Jenna Colvin. Who is a close family member of mine and someone who doesn’t just believe in “Life On Your Terms” she actually lives it. This week I have the honor of attending the RED TIE GALLA put on by Jenna and her team at FireFighters For Healing. If you have never heard of this non-profit and what they are doing to help families and their children who have been impacted as burn victims. Well, Now You Know!! Check Out What They Are Doing: Jenna is one of the leaders of this organization and responsible for putting on the RED TIE GALLA event. Tirelessly, Jenna
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